Artist ISz
Call me ISz. I chose this name and identity because it expresses that which simply is- the immediate and active life-state and timeless connection with all things.
Originally from cosmic parts unknown, my arrival point on earth was Peoria, IL, there I spent many years in self-discovery and playing. Thriving at making marks of all shapes and sizes on a variety of surfaces, I ultimately found my way to Northern Illinois University School of Art. I enjoyed the benefits of a formal artistic environment, but I consider myself an outsider and self-taught. From there I began my journey into the professional world of art and all its uncertainty.
I have had a variety of influences along the way from comic/coloring books and cartoons to artists such as Cezanne, Miro, Klee, Dali and M.C. Escher to name a few. I take all that I see and experience and introduce it to my own unique reality. Hopefully, the images that emerge from this union will inspire all who participate in my creative process to plumb their own unique depths and arrive at a spiritual discovery that embraces oneness as our ultimate destination.
Come join me in the state I call ISz.