Artist Linda Scholly
Linda Scholly is a Lake Forest based artist who specializes in oil
painting but also combines oil with gold and silver leaf, mixed media as well as encaustic. Her painting style combines a softened realism with looser brushstrokes. Linda’s subject matter can range greatly, painting the things that most inspire her. She is influenced everyday by her immediate surroundings, big and small. Nature is almost spiritual for her. Ever since she was a child she has been fascinated by wings on insects and birds. She marveled at their complexity and beauty. These creature’s wings are so dainty and fragile yet have tremendous strength and power. These paintings are part of a series called “Wings Unveiled”in which she pays homage to these creatures making them larger than life. Linda earned her BA in Fine Art from The Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago. She also studied at The School of the Arts in Lacoste, France through The Savannah College of Art and Design. She owned successful mural company for many years before returning to her own oil paintings.